About us

Mohawk Technology is an automation engineering company that helps companies keep factories running, increase production, and manufacture new products.

Industry specializations in dairy, food, and beverages are supported by process, controls, mechanical, and robotic engineers.

Company locations in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin serve customers around the country.

Why we’re here

Mohawk Technology has brought together a highly experienced team with deep roots in engineering. We started as kids wanting to understand how electricity works and machines are built. To turn those interests into a career, we went on to earn degrees at the region’s top engineering universities, gained technical expertise with Fortune 500 companies, and worked in the factories of major brands across North America.

We also wanted to make a difference and raise our families in the places we grew up. Founder and CEO Jay Isaacson’s decision to headquarter the company in Mohawk – a small town on Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula – meant he could return to his hometown. The economic development was welcomed in an area that still struggles to fully recover from the closure of area copper mines nearly a century ago. Similar decisions enabled employees to develop new locations in Minnesota and Wisconsin. 

A group of people sitting at a table

How we’ve evolved

Modern manufacturing increasingly links hardware and software to enable the function of factory lines. This results in increased complexity in systems and places, higher demands on companies developing and servicing these lines. Factory owners need to trust their vendors to develop quality, on-time solutions.

The market leaders in the food, beverage, and dairy industries are the companies that creatively implement automation to improve factory outcomes. Vendors who understand the complex systems and combine the work within one company, help these customers improve key business outcomes – increased production, reduced downtime and labor costs, consistent product quality, and higher profit margins.

vision sensors
A close-up of a machine

Process Group

Mohawk Technology’s Process Group expands modern factory capability for the food processing industry by combining controls engineering, process engineering, and process installation into a turn-key process solution.

Mechatronics Group

Mohawk Technology’s Mechatronics Group solves automation needs for customers by combining controls, mechanical, and robotic engineering into a single cohesive solution.